The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7, 8, 10
The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7 didn’t just start from a recent OS like win 7, 8, or 10. It has been an occurrence right from the beginning. The common cause of this problem is when the workstation is out of synchronization with the primary domain. It happens most of the time, in fact, I still encountered this error twice this week. There is no way you won’t come across such if you work with a domain network.
What is funny about it is when a user gets to the office in the morning with the aim of logging in and starting working, The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7 pops up. It could be any windows workstation. Let us go into the easy fixes for this error message without any further ado. I will share two of the easiest fixes to The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7, and I strongly suggest you start with the first one.
I will also explain how to fix the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain that failed windows 7, 8, and 10 without a local admin. Obviously, the first is the easiest because the second requires Windows PowerShell.
FIX 1 For The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7
Step 1
Log into the local admin for the workstation, something like ./administrator will be the username.
Step 2
Open command prompt as an administrator. Then type netdom resetpwd /s:DC1.fq.dn /ud:dn\administrator /pd:*
And hit enter.
Step 3
Provide the password associated with the administrator account.
Step 4
Restart the workstation.
Final Step
The problem is solved, log on as usual.
FIX 2 For The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation Windows 7 Without Restart
This fix requires a windows power shell as I have mentioned earlier.
Step 1
Log into the local admin for the workstation, something like ./administrator will be the username.
Step 2
Run PowerShell as an administrator.
Step 3
Type: Test-ComputerSecureChannel –repair –credential (Get-Credential)
Step 4
PowerShell will require you to supply the credentials of the user account you are having the problem with.
Final Step
When the fourth step is true, type logoff into the command prompt and log into the account you just fixed.
Trust Relationship Between This Workstation And The Primary Domain Failed Windows 7, 8, And 10 Without A Local Admin
The case is quite different from the two fixes explained above because there is no local admin. In this case, you still have a way around the problem. I would suggest you remove the workstation from the domain and add it back to the domain. I have done this so many times and I believe it works. You don’t have to worry about the files of the user because they are stored on the hard disk of that same machine.
So that explains the fix-to-trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain that failed windows 7, 8, and 10 without a local admin. The trust relationship between this workstation and windows 7 is not a big issue when you know what to do. And that is what you have seen on this page. The next thing now is to take action and tell me your result in the comment box below.