Online JSON Formatter: Top 4 Amazing Ones
This post will show you the best online JSON formatter you will ever find anywhere. This is the same formatter I have been using for many years now. So let’s dive right in. Firstly, check out the best offline JSON formatter in Notepad++ and how to use it.
Everyone wants to read all the objects in a JSON file. Maybe not every time, but having the file in a suitable format is something you want.
How To Use Notepad ++ As JSON Formatter
Notepad ++ is a fantastic code editor that has many valuable features.
The first step to using JSON formatter on notepad ++ is to install the JS Tool plugin.
Open the Notepad ++, and click on the Plugins menu at the top of the page. Among the options under Plugins is Plugins Manager. Click that, followed by Show Plugins Manager.
The Plugins Manager window will open.
Now search for the JS Tool among the plugins and install it.
Restart Notepad++ and get ready to use the JSON formatter feature.
In the second step, open your JSON file using Notepad ++.
Now go to the Plugins menu, and among its options, click on JSTool.
You have a helpful JSON tool to format and do many other useful things.
Among the tools in the JSTool list is the JS Formatter. That is what you will use to format your JSON file.
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Use Notepad++ To View JSON File In Tree-Mode
You can view the hierarchy arrangement of the objects and values in the JSON file using the JS Viewer in the JSTool Plugin.
On Notepad++, open the file and navigate to the Plugins menu. Select JSTool and click on the JS Viewer link.
A little window containing the Tree Mode of the JSON file will open at the left-hand side of the Notepad++ window.
Check Out XML Formatter Online
Use Notepad++ To View JSON File In Minimize Mode
This, too, is similar to the above features. Once you’ve opened your JSON file, go to the Plugins menu and click on JS Tool; from there, click JSMin.
Amazing Online JSON Formatter
My Secret Online JSON Formatter- Don’t Tell Anyone
I have some programming friends that think online JSON formatters are a joke. And I don’t seize to tell them this. You will use JSON at one point or the other in your programming career. Even if you are not using your JSON code, you will use a JSON API.
You can neglect to format a small JSON file, but it can be challenging to read when it is significant. So a quick formatter that I always recommend to them is the free extension on chrome webstore by it makes JSON easy to read and is open source. In conclusion, You now have the fantastic online JSON formatter at your fingertips. Before that, I explained how to use the formatter in Notepad ++.
The tips in this post will help if you can put them to use. Kindly share this post with your programming friends.